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Dentist Near Los Lunas

Dentist Near Los Lunas

Implants in Los Lunas

Patients looking to replace missing teeth are invited to call our dentist near the Los Lunas office to schedule a consultation. Our dentist is an experienced implant dentist who is able to perform the entire procedure from start to finish. He begins by placing implants into the bone, which serve as the support structure for the new tooth. Over the course of a few weeks, the implant will fuse with the bone, making it a permanent part of your smile.

Once healed, our dentist near Los Lunas will top the implant with an abutment and crown. The crown will be a custom-made restoration that blends in with your other teeth. It will be completed at a separate appointment after your implant has healed. This timeline will vary from patient to patient.

Advantages of Choosing Dentist Near Los Lunas

There are several reasons why patients should choose our dentist near Los Lunas:

  • Dentists are highly trained.
  • Dentists have expertise in the field of dentistry, and this gives them the ability to provide patients with the care they need. Dentists will also usually undergo an additional three years of specialized training after dental school. This makes them highly qualified.
  • Dentists can offer patients a broad range of treatment options. We can offer patients the care they need. Some of the treatments available include general and cosmetic dental procedures that are dental sealants, dental crowns, teeth whitening, dental implants, orthodontics, dentures, and root canal therapy.


If you are looking for a dentist near Los Lunas, look nowhere else. At Gherardi & Moore, we have the best dentists who will give you the best care possible. 

We Serve Patients from the following nearby Cities and Communities:

Albuquerque NM • Rio Rancho NM • Bernalillo NM • Los Lunas NM • Belen NM Santa Fe NM • Edgewood NM • Santa Rosa NM • Grants NM


8310 Palomas Ave NE Suite A,
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Office Hours

MON - FRI7:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed